
Fundamental building blocks

  • 16 January 2023
  • 2 minutes

Fundamental chemistry is of interest to Zhang-He Goh (Chemistry PhD 2020), who makes use of his pharmacy background to consider potential applications.

Working in ’s , Zhang-He’s research focus is on protein functionalisation in chemistry.

“We use chemical tools to investigate certain biological processes and to modify proteins, to put it very broadly,” Zhang-He says.

“We target specifically certain biomolecules—that is, biological molecules—that are commonly found in the body.”

Cysteine and methionine are the amino acids Zhang-He focuses on, with a view to modifying parts of the protein to change their biological functions.

Zhang-He is supported by an A*STAR scholarship. The Singapore-based advances science and develops technology, often by building links between academia and industry.

Having already worked in industry, Zhang-He perhaps has a wider perspective than some.

“It is very easy in academia to fall into the trap of doing something which is intellectually very interesting, only for sometimes to realise the full potential can take some time,” he adds.

“We always consider if the chemistry going to be taken up by the wider scientific community.”

In broad terms, Zhang-He’s research could support the immune system and response to, for example, cancerous cells.

He adds: “That's a very long term goal. The challenges are always there, but it's just finding a way to resolve them.

“It is not about developing an immediate medical application, nor is this our group’s goal. We provide expertise on an early part of the process and pharmaceutical companies and other experts help to develop it further.”

Beginning his PhD in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and refocusing in a new subject area means he took time to get going. His four-year programme helps and gives him time to develop his research skills and enjoy the postgraduate experience.

Zhang-He will return to Singapore following his PhD to work for A*STAR.

He enjoys College life, living in close proximity to and socialising with postgraduates in other subjects.

“What I really like about Caius is the environment,” he adds.

“Everybody knows each other. I think that's my favourite part. I can walk outside my accommodation and I see people I know!”
