
Data Protection: Post doc applicants

This statement explains how 91첥 (“we” and “our”) handles and uses information we collect about applicants (“you” and “your”) for Post Doc Research Association. In broad terms, we use your data to manage your application to the College and our subsequent recruitment processes.

The controller for your personal information is 91첥, Trinity Street, Cambridge, CB2 1TA. The Data Protection Officer for the College is the Office of Intercollegiate Services Ltd (OIS Ltd), 12B King’s Parade, Cambridge; 01223 768745; college.dpo@ois.cam.ac.uk. The Data Protection Officer should be contacted if you have any concerns about how the College is managing your personal information, or if you require advice on how to exercise your rights as outlined in this statement. The person within the College otherwise responsible for data protection at the time of issue, and the person who is responsible for monitoring compliance with relevant legislation in relation to the protection of personal information, is the Senior Bursar (email: senior.bursar@cai.cam.ac.uk). 


The legal basis for processing your personal data is that it is necessary in order for you to enter into a Post Doc Research Association with us.   

How your data is used by the College

Your data is used by us for in the first instance solely for the purposes of considering your suitability for a Post Doc Research Association and for us to manage our recruitment processes, including our monitoring of equality and diversity within the College. 
If you have concerns or queries about any of these purposes, or how we communicate with you, please contact us at the address given above.

The College holds the following personal data relating to you, in line with the purposes above:
A*       personal details, including name, contact details (phone, email, postal);
B*       your application form and associated information submitted by you at that time;
C        other data relating to your application (including references we take up as 
part of the application process, and any assessment of you at an informal or formal interview);
D*     any health assessments and/or medical information you have provided, and related requirements;
E*       evidence of your right to research in the UK (e.g. your Post Doc appointment within the University, your PhD and copies of your passport);
F          records of Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate check if needed;
G*       information relating to your age, nationality, gender. Information relating to your religion or beliefs, disabilities, sexual orientation and ethnicity may be collected for monitoring purposes but will be stored anonymously, separately from your application;
H       any correspondence relating to the outcome of the application process (either successful or unsuccessful).

Those marked with an * relate to information provided by you. Other data and information is generated by us or, where self-evident, provided by a third party.

We will not access personal data about you from social media sites, unless there is a legitimate interest for us to do so (for example, the role you have applied for has a significant public-facing element to it, or is involved with publicity and presenting us to the general public). Consequently, we do not routinely screen applicants’ social media profiles but, if aspects of your social media profile are brought to our attention and give rise to concerns about your suitability for the role in question, we may need to consider them. 


Who we share your data with

We may share relevant personal data with our sub-contracting agent for HR services. Information is not shared with other third parties without your written consent. Generally, personal data is not shared outside of the UK and the European Economic Area.
If you are successful in your application, the data is subsequently held as part of your Post Doc Research Association record with us.
If you are unsuccessful in your application, we retain all data and information for no more than six months after the closing date of the application process. 


Your rights

You have the right: to ask us for access to, rectification or erasure of your data; to restrict processing (pending correction or deletion); and to ask for the transfer of your data electronically to a third party (data portability). Some of these rights are not automatic, and we reserve the right to discuss with you why we might not comply with a request from you to exercise them. 

Failure to provide the information reasonably requested of you may result in an automatic disqualification from the recruitment process.

You retain the right at all times to lodge a complaint about our management of your personal data with the .


Last updated: Head of HR and Records Manager

April 2024