
Principalium Humani Corporis Partium (1573)

Lower Library K.29.9(1)

Sir Thomas Baines and Sir John Finch had a lifelong personal and professional relationship. They met as students at Christ's College Cambridge and as qualified physicians they journeyed to Italy where they studied and taught anatomy. Although they were know to have possessed a good medical Library in multiple languages (although they lacked the Caian ) the books were lost in a fire at the Long Library at Finch's home. Intriguingly this anatomy book is inscribed with both of their names, although the surnames were reversed and then crossed out.

Their letters, notebooks and (now hanging opposite each other in the Fitzwilliam Musem) survived the fire, along with Finch's will. He requested that after the death of Baines they be buried together at their old College, where a marble memorial to them still stands.


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