
Samantha-Jo Onyekwere

Photograph of Samantha-Jo Onyekwere

“Caius means friendships, it means learning and scholarship, it means the Library and essay crises, parties and fun. It almost surely means potatoes at Hall.”

Samantha-Jo Onyekwere (2017 Economics), First Millennium-born Student at Caius

I feel especially privileged to be a part of this project as a current student. Like many Caians, past and present, Caius has been my first home away from home and the scene of my foray into adulthood.

What does Caius mean? From the outside, maybe Caius means old architecture, traditions, medicine and privilege. But to me, to those of us inside, Caius means friendships, it means learning and scholarship, it means the Library and essay crises, parties and fun. It almost surely means potatoes at Hall.

I’m glad to be a part of the youngest generation of women at Caius, and I hope that many more women will come through Caius and get involved in fields like economics and politics. The lack of female participation in these fields does not receive the same amount of attention as women in STEM and the work Dr Victoria Bateman does to encourage female participation in economics is really important and I hope that the number of women applying to read economics starts to rise. Caius has a strong history in economics having had 4 Nobel Prize-winning economists pass through such as Stiglitz and Friedman. We’ve had 40 years of women at Caius, and I hope that over the next 40 years some women will join that list.

I will always fondly remember my time at Caius after I leave and wish the best of luck to all future Caians.