
Nicola Shindler OBE

Photograph of Nicola Shindler OBE

“I came to Caius passionate about theatre and writing, and while I studied I was able to develop those interests and hone skills that allowed me to make my hobbies my profession when I left.”

Nicola Shindler OBE (1987 History), Television Producer, and Founder of Red Production Company

I work as an Executive Producer at my Production Company, Red, in Manchester and have worked in theatre and television since leaving Caius in 1990. Which might make it seem like my history degree is irrelevant! But not at all. I came to Caius passionate about theatre and writing, and while I studied I was able to develop those interests and hone skills that allowed me to make my hobbies my profession when I left. I spent many hours working with the Shadwell Society producing and directing plays for the College. The support I was given inside the College and in the wider University was invaluable.

I always felt supported academically and enjoyed tutorials with incredible experts in their field. I met friends at Caius who have been friends for life. When we arrived at Caius, women had only been in the College for a few years and the culture reflected that. But we worked together to make women feel more and more part of college life which I know is now an unspoken assumption. I appreciate my time at Caius very much.