
Hannah Snellgrove

Photograph of Hannah Snellgrove

Photograph taken by Nick Dempsey Photography

“I look back on my years at Caius as some of my happiest, and they certainly helped to equip me for some of the challenges that professional sport has thrown at me since.”

Hannah Snellgrove (2009 Geology), National Champion British Sailor

I am a Laser Radial sailor campaigning for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and beyond as part of the British Sailing Team. Caius was very supportive of my sailing, and it was while at Cambridge that I achieved my first national title, becoming the first ever woman to win the Radial National Championships.

I look back on my years at Caius as some of my happiest, and they certainly helped to equip me for some of the challenges that professional sport has thrown at me since. Whenever life feels particularly hectic, I remind myself that somehow, I managed to combine competing at an international level with studying for a Cambridge degree, and suddenly everything gets put back into perspective!

They always say that it is the people that make a place. Aside from an eccentric need to inspect the mineral composition of airport tiles whenever I am flying off to regattas, and an enthusiasm to go on mini field trips to look for interesting rocks in new locations, the most important thing that Caius gave me was three years spent in exceptional company. I came away with many lifelong friends – and for that, I will always be extremely grateful.