
Dr Kitty Yeung

Photograph of Dr Kitty Yeung

“The College influenced how I perceived the world, encouraging me to create work integrating science and the arts and to communicate through culture. I am very fortunate and grateful to be a Caian.”

Dr Kitty Yeung (2006 Physics), Creative Technologist

I was a physics student during my undergraduate study. Now I am a creative technologist doing physics, engineering, art, fashion design and music. I work as the manager of the Microsoft Garage in Silicon Valley, a program that drives a culture of innovation at the company.

My time at Caius shaped my life as I pursued my passion in the natural sciences. It built the foundation of my professional experience and career. The College has great academic resources and people are welcoming and supportive. They helped me develop my intellectual abilities and establish lifelong relationships. I met some of my best friends in the College and am still in touch with my supervisors. Although I focused on my scientific study and research training at that time, the environment at Caius also nurtured my artistic side.

I enjoyed the formals, May Balls, piano rooms and humanities lectures. They all influenced how I perceived the world, encouraging me to create work integrating science and the arts and to communicate through culture. I am very fortunate and grateful to be a Caian.