
Types of legacy

A Will ensures your estate passes to whom you wish. It allows you to leave an enduring legacy for those people and causes that are meaningful to you. All gifts, of any size, are warmly appreciated. Every gift counts, whether it is a fixed sum or a share of your estate. 

A legacy to Caius may be included in your Will either when it is first drawn up, or subsequently by updating your Will. A legacy to be used at the Master and Fellows' discretion gives the College flexibility to use your gift in the most effective way. However, if you would prefer to direct your bequest to a specific purpose, we would be happy to discuss your wishes with you to ensure your legacy remains relevant and can be put to the best possible use.

There are various ways to make a bequest, which you can discuss with the solicitor preparing your Will.

A RESIDUARY LEGACY involves leaving all or part of the residue of your estate, after other bequests to your family and friends have been made and expenses have been met. This way the real value of the gift you decide to leave is protected.

A PECUNIARY LEGACY allows you to give a specific sum of money, which may be linked to the Retail Price Index.

A REVERSIONARY LEGACY involves leaving all or part of your assets to Trustees so that it only reverts to the College when your spouse, partner or dependent dies, and that beneficiary has the full benefit of the income from it during their lifetime.

A CONDITIONAL LEGACY leaves all or part of your estate to a particular person, but in the event that they die before you then the legacy would go to the College.

A SPECIFIC LEGACY is the gift of a specified possession to the College. This may be in the form of property, valuables, works of art or stocks and shares.