
Mentors and career advisors

Here you will find a selection of Caius alumni who have volunteered themselves as mentors and career advisors for students and recent graduates. If you would like to make contact with anyone listed on this page, please contact the Development Office with your:

  • Name
  • Subject
  • Year
  • Details of the alumni you would like to be put in touch with
  • Message you want us to pass on to the alumni 

The alumni are very busy so it is important we are considerate. We recommend you read the below guidelines to indicate your appreciation and show respect for their time:

1. It is the mentee's/advice seeker's responsibility to manage contact: be clear about goals (even if a start is to say "I'm not sure what I'm looking for, getting help on narrowing it down would be great"), be proactive about scheduling a meeting, establish next steps, and/or agree on a long-term mentoring plan if appropriate. 

2. Contact should be made via email first, then phone, before agreeing to an in-person meeting if both parties agree this would be helpful.

3. At the end of each contact you should have agreed on next steps: it is advised the mentee follow up with an email to their mentor/advisor to put the agreed next steps in writing. 

4. If you decide to stop mentoring for any reason, or do not need the arranged meeting, please communicate this to your mentor/advisor. Both your time and theirs is precious, contact should only be carried on or taken up if it is useful. 

5. If you agreed this was a one-off contact or decide not to continue, please follow up to thank your advisor/mentor for their time and advice.

The difference between mentoring and career advice:

Before seeking to make contact with an advisor, please think about what you hope to get out of your relationship. 

Career advice will typically be one-off advice related to specific questions such as how to write a more compelling cover letter, subject/field specific, or broader questions around how to find a job in a given field. 

Mentoring refers to coaching based on exploring your personality traits and interests, it is usually longer-term work towards an identified and agreed goal. We will recommend mentoring starts with a first meeting which may well be career advice, then mentor/mentee can decide to renew contact and explore mentoring if there is interest. 


NB: this list of volunteers will be revised and refreshed in a year’s time. Last updated in January 2024.

Patrick Clifton (Archaeology & Anthropology 1992)

Field: music

Offers: advice on music culture and the music industry, marketing, creativity, consumer technology, career trajectory and change, development of personal goals. 

spent 10 years at Amazon helping to launch and grow Amazon’s music streaming service. He left in 2022 to work in the vinyl records industry and now works as a consultant for a number of music clients. He also DJs and writes fiction.

Dr Nadia elMasry (Biochemistry 1989)

Field: retired, formerly pharmaceuticals

Offers: advice on corporate careers, living and working in different cultures, developing beyond your original expertise, staying true to yourself in competitive environments and negotiating your next career/salary jump. has worked in R&D strategy, internal audit, communications, brand management, sales and marketing including not-for-profit work across Africa. 

Caesar Loong (Law 1983)

Field: law

Offers: advice on mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, capital market offerings, corporate banking and loan syndications, private equity investments, cross border legal issues and the legal and political aspects of investing in Malaysia. formed his own law firm, Raslan Loong in 1995. His firm is part of a global network of more than 80 member firms in 58 jurisdictions worldwide. 

Becket McGrath (History 1989)

Field: law

Offers: career advice/mentorship on legal careers (especially working as a solicitor) and on studying or working abroad. Becket is a partner at competition law boutique, Euclid Law.  He previously worked at City and US law firms, in London and Brussels, and in the UK civil service.  He has an LL.M. in German civil law from Hamburg University and is qualified in England and Wales and Belgium.

Ravi Rao (Medical Sciences 1986)

Field: medicine, biotech/pharma

Offers: developing your medical or scientific career, influencing and working in collaborative or complex environments, biotech with a medical degree and insight on transitioning from medical practice to academia. was academic physician and is currently working in biotech as an executive, investor and independent director.

Dr Jonathan Shapiro (Medicine 1971)

Field: healthcare

Offers: client-led professional and personal development, including sustainable work/life balance.

Jonathan has been a GP, researcher, external consultant and facilitator of leadership programmes. He has also led several NHS organisations and charities and now works independently.  


Ameet Shah (Economics 1982)

Field: consultancy

Offers: advice on management consulting, telecoms, diversity and making your way in corporate Britain. After graduation, joined Bain & Co. and built a career in strategy consulting. He then worked for Andersen Consulting’s (Accenture’s) Strategy practice and specialised in telecoms. His last full-time job was Group Strategy Director at BT.

Dan Shavick (Maths 1998)

Field: tech

Offers: advice on software development, entrepreneurship, how to choose (or be!) a good employer. is a founder of software services company and consultancy, Softwire, voted UK's .

Lauren Smart (Archaeology & Anthropology 1996)

Field: finance

Offers: advice on an ad-hoc, specific basis.
is an industry leader and expert in the field of sustainable finance. In her current role she leads a team committed to growing S&P Global’s sustainability business with functional responsibilities for commercial strategy, brand and market development, product specialists, education and marketing. 

Dr Jack Waldron (Maths 2002)

Field: tech

Offers: advice on Tech industry, applied AI, Switzerland and at a push strategy consulting. 

Jack is a product manager at Google in Zurich, Switzerland. He works on applying AI at scale. This includes making Google Shopping ads perform better for both end-users and advertisers, or more recently helping to identify money laundering activity in our financial systems.

Sarah Watt (Natural Sciences 1999)

Field: retail/business

Offers: advice on career ambitions and personal branding, careers in the consumer sector, consumer business leadership – especially brand, marketing, product development, retail and e-commerce.  is Chief Executive Officer of Gisou, a global haircare and beauty consumer products business, and Supervisory Board Director of Bugaboo, a world leader in luxury strollers.

Sophie Watts (History 2004)

Field: media

Offers: expertise on filmmaking, content productions, media entrepreneurship, global media investor relations and media strategy.   leads a global venture creation group focused on talent-driven businesses across diverse industries. She is Co-Founder and former President of movie studio STX Entertainment, establishing movie, reality, and scripted TV studios with over 75 movies produced to date.