
The Caius Medical Association

History and Purpose​

The Caius Medical Association (CMA) was founded in 1997, which coincidentally was the 400th anniversary of William Harvey's graduation from the college in 1597. Over the past twenty years, the CMA has generated considerable enthusiasm and interest. Its intention is to allow Caius medical undergraduates and graduates to keep in touch with each other and with the College, and to maintain a sense of a Caius medical community before and after graduation. The CMA also provides a mechanism whereby older members can provide help and advice to Caius students and younger members, for example about career choices. We have had many offers of support and help of one kind and another, which were much appreciated by the young Caian medics who have taken them up.

A key part of the CMA is the , which combines a social occasion with a scientific meeting. We also provide financial assistance to Caius students who wish to stay in Cambridge over the Long Vacation to complete lab-based projects or Part II courses and to work abroad. Their work is often presented as posters at the October meeting.

CMA Subscriptions & Ties

You are warmly encouraged to join the CMA to support present and future Caius medical students in their studies. You can set up a Direct Debit to increase the value of your subscription by Gift Aiding it. The current subscription is £30 per annum, but if you feel inclined to pay more to support the CMA the option is available. Please click on to set up your subscription. Current medical students are eligible for membership without any fee until they have completed their postgraduate clinical foundation training (up to FY2).

Please email the Treasurer (treasurer.cma@cai.cam.ac.uk) if you have any queries about subscriptions.


The Caius Medical Association now has an Instagram account; follow us .